
Lachs in Blätterteig mit spinat und Weissweinsauce

Ok, that was so unfair. I wrote 3 paragraphs about this ready to cook food but without knowing why and how, it was erased...to think that I even wrote them in German! WAAAAH! There's even no way to retrieve it. I guess I'd post in English then.

Anyway, I was doing grocery when I saw this Salmon in a box. It piqued my curiosity and so I took one and went home. I do not have much time to cook so I think this is good since its Salmon!

In the box says it has spinach and whitewine sauce, that looks delicious.

I unpacked the salmon and here's how it looks.

It was inside a baking dough or something and should be cooked 50-55 minutes! Nay, I could have cooked a decent meal for that same cooking time! *sigh* Aside from this, this was surprisingly good! For 3,99 euros that can be shared by 4-5 people, its cheap compared to uncooked and unflavored salmon!

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